Running Convertible Waist to Hand Tether
Running Convertible Waist to Hand Tether
This is a running convertible waist to hand tether meant for blind runners. For information about the running hand tether click here. For information about the running waste belt tethered click here. This is a rather unusual product. It originated as a custom order request from one of our customers. They wanted a way for them (the blind athlete) to always run with a waist tether, but switch back and forth between a waist belt and hand tether for the guide depending on who they had as their guide. the guide waist belt can be detached from the tether with a QR buckle and a hand loop can be snapped into place.
We've never seen something like this on the market so we can call it a unique offering. It ships with the athlete side waist belt with tether line, guide side waist belt, and the hand attachment.